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How To Write A Marketing Plan For Your Book - Part 2

Writers are often taken by surprise when they're asked for a "detailed marketing plan" before a publisher has even taken them on.

It's a skill worth developing - as many successful authors write their marketing plans before they even set pen to paper.

In Part 1 of my article, you learned how to get started with a marketing plan for your book. Today, you'll be finding out how to complete it.

Add this extra information to the plan you've already created:

oTarget Readers
List the people most likely to buy your book. (eg. women aged 18-25).
List the types of organizations, associations and clubs that might be interested in your book,style ugg boots.
List schools, colleges, universities,genuine ugg boots, charities and specialist libraries, etc.

oPotential buyers:
List the types of organizations, clubs and associations that might bulk-buy your book.
List business websites; membership sites; clubs.
List retail outlets (such as Waterstones or Barnes & Noble) and book clubs.
List schools, colleges, universities, charities and specialist libraries.

oReaching target readers:
Suggest ideas for bookshop promotion. (eg. End-of-shelf posters).
Suggest a targeted PR campaign,ugg boots UK. (eg. a press release for local and national media.)
Suggest a public event you could hold to tie in with your book. (eg. a quiz, a seminar, an awareness day.)
Suggest promotion via social media. (eg. YouTube; Twitter, Facebook,Coach Bag Collection 2012, LinkedIn, MySpace,Amazines_Cheap Supra TK Society Sneakers Of Loyal, etc.)

oPR/Awareness Raising:
Offer a free incentive to promote your book. (eg. An MP3,Ugg Boots; an online interview with the author, etc).
List seasonal events or anniversaries that could tie in with your book. (eg. Halloween; Mother's Day; Remembrance Day, etc.)

Offer audio extracts or free books for the many sites that offer services and content to your target readers - in return for a link to publisher's shopping cart,Amazines_Buying a discount Coach handbag guides_49.

List some of the organizations, clubs or magazines that may be interested in your book.

Brainstorm ideas for publicizing and promoting your book with a couple of friends,Amazines_Gucci Outlet offering fantastic_6787. Write down anything and everything you can think of. Try not to censor the ideas or rule anything out. When you've finished, set your list to one side for a couple of days before going back to it. You'll be surprised at the number of great ideas you can come up with when you combine creative energy.

