
Live at Capitol Hill Block Party Cold Lake

Monster Beats Miles Davis Tribut

Looking at the bill one would think Cold Lake was a little out of place at Capitol Hill Block Party. Nevertheless Coolest Gadgets, as soon as their set began they acquired an audience similar in size to other Vera Stage shows. From the moment the downbeat dropped on the first song and the duel screaming kicked off, the punk and metal crowd identified themselves with fist pumping and head banging.

Cold Lake’s appeal comes from their ability to transcend the more hardcore genres. Throwing in elements of punk, hardcore and stoner metal, they created a soundscape that the small tribe of Vera listeners enjoyed. Lead vocalist Replica Oil Rig Sunglasses, Corey Brewer kept within the minimal range of screaming and shouting but remained gleefully indecipherable and passionate throughout each switch. Guitarist James Burns quickly leaped back and forth between brief moments of spotlighted shredding and driving power chords.

Staying mid tempo and pursuing little complication, Cold Lake could clearly hold their own in the bill of an all punk or hardcore fest. And while they rarely showed a great deal of originality, their execution of homages to great punk artists of the 90s and 80s reigned supreme in comparison to many recent acts influenced by this type of of music.

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