>> This is more like a general notice board post here but after the image fest below, at least there's a bit of respite! You may have noticed that my sulky mug is on the homepage of Topshop at the mo (well maybe not for long...). I have take this opportunity to explain the sulkiness. This pic was taken just after I got back from Paris Fashion Week in March where I was hella tired and err... I guess wearing a Topshop t-shirt for Fashion Targets Breast Cancer doesn't make you break out with a killer mega wattage smile. Or is it supposed to? I'm not sure what the correct charity protocol is here. Anyhow the cause is obviously a good one - go gets yourself a t-shirt, or better yet donate some money at Fashion Targets Breast Cancer!
(Feels a bit wrong listing out what I wore but in this blue-tinged photo with the tee, I wore a Krystof Strozyna jacket,coach shoe outlet, vintage shirt, orange Wonderment collar,monster beats by dre headphones, Tory Burch trousers, Robert Clergerie vintage shoes)
Second notice of the day, I'll be announcing the winners of the Furla Candy Bag competition soon. There are actually six winners in total and I've had a pretty giddy time going through all your 'What's In Your Bag' entries. There's still a wee bit of time for you to enter if you haven't done so. The event that's being held at London tomorrow night is now open for all - just turn up and say you read this blog. None of that guest list malarky - tis the future! Bring a friend if you wish too. Like I said, drinks, a bit of nosh and discounts..beatsdreheadphonesbuybeatsdreheadphonesbuybeatsdreheadphonesbuy.come come come!